(Encyclopedia) bee, name for flying insects of the superfamily Apoidea, in the same order as the ants and the wasps. Bees are characterized by their enlarged hind feet, typically equipped with pollen…
singer, modelBorn: 4/15/1966Birthplace: London, England A teen model, she was known in the U.K. as a “page 3 girl” for appearing in a British tabloid, which regularly featured topless models on…
writerBorn: 1965Birthplace: Appleton, Wisconsin The daughter of Chinese immigrants, Chang left Wisconsin at 18 to attend college at Yale University, where—after trying pre-med and pre-law classes—…
Born: Mar. 2, 1896Basketball coach who led LIU to 2 undefeated seasons (1936,39) and 2 NIT titles (1939,41) his teams won 95 percent of their games between 1931-51, including 43 in a row from 1935-…
(Encyclopedia) bee balm, name for several herbs, especially Melissa officinalis and Monarda didyma, both typical perennials of the family Labiatae (mint family) named for their fragrance, attractive…
(Encyclopedia) bee-eater, any of the brightly colored, insect-eating birds of the family Meropidae. They range in length from 6 to 14 in. (15–36 cm). The plumage of many species is predominantly…
(Encyclopedia) bee fly, name for the small- to medium-sized flies of the family Bombyliidae, many of which resemble bees in appearance and behavior. This mimicry provides bee flies with some measure…
(Encyclopedia) bee moth,&sp;greater wax moth, or honeycomb moth, common name for an insect pest of honeycombs. Bee moths do damage during their larval stages, injuring combs and honey. The moth…